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The Power of Prayer

It was the Fall of 2004 when we first met the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters. As our child entered middle school, we decided to volunteer, but we did not know where to do it, so we contacted the Diocese of Jeonju and asked where we can do our voluntary service. They led us to the sisters who take care of girls and young ladies in a group home called “Amigo Home” and from then on, we started volunteering.

We went to visit Amigo Home and seeing that there were children, so as we run a chicken restaurant, told the sisters that every month we will give the chicken to the children, and the sisters joyfully accepted our offer. It has been sixteen years since we come in contact with the sisters and the girls of Amigo Home.

We believe that a place like Amigo Home is necessary for our society right now. At a time when there is a shortage of institutions that lovingly protect children with nowhere to go, Amigo Home is truly a facility that society needs. Of course, the children who come here are very difficult, but I believe that the children who come here have been blessed by God. It is true that it is difficult to take care of even our own children. But taking care of these difficult children with greater love than that of a mother is impossible without “the power of prayer” as the Sisters said.

Once, when one of the girls of Amigo Home was admitted to the hospital, we saw the sisters taking turns in taking care of her, we thought, that no one would do the same even to one’s own child.

We wish there were more facilities like this and that the children could stay with the sisters until they grow up and become adults until they can make their own decisions and take responsibility for themselves. When we first went to Amigo Home, we were unaware of the need for such a facility, but now we believe that such facilities are essential for the safety and growth of children.

It is so humbling that the sisters consider us as God’s gift to them. We hope the sisters are always healthy and would take care of themselves so they can continue to take care of the most vulnerable and needy children, as their Father Founder, Luis Amigo asked of them.

We are thankful to God for the opportunity that He had given to us to share the little that we have. And thanks to the Capuchin Sisters for welcoming us as part of the Amigo Home Family. Indeed, we are also truly blessed as God called our youngest daughter to Religious Life.



We are One

I am called to dedicate myself to God in this environment of common life. Here, I have met people coming from other parts of the world, not only in my country but also elsewhere, which I have never known. Although we have different in languages, cultures, customs, homelands, we are gathered together by the call of Jesus. From here on, we can form a new family, sharing many things together. Despite our differences, we still live together and consider each other as a family. Maybe we are different in age, education, position, job, but there is not anything more valuable than the other. Here we live as a family, where everyone cares for each other, can ask questions, share and help one another and most of all pray for each other.

My impression is that each time we recite the prayers, have our adoration, eat a family meal together are beautiful moments of our time in community. I feel happy and at peace. The sisters’ corrections and sharing motivate me to be drawn closer to God. Each Sister is a unique gift of God for me. I love my present life here, and I cherish each member of this family. I always pray to God for them. I am grateful to God for the joy and peace we share. In this small flower garden of the Church, I feel happy to be one of the lovely members of this family.

Aspirant Teresa Trần Thị Mến

For a fresh graduate who is facing life’s many choices… I am most grateful to God for He has been taking care of me and for guiding me in this journey until I began finding my vocation in the Religious life and decided to enter the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters of the Holy Family. 

New life – changes, challenges, difficulties, cultural and language differences in each member of the community, but all these worries were completely gone when I started to live here. Since I live here, my relationship with God became stronger. I am closer to Him, to meet Him every day.   The hours of prayer and adoration help me to be more united with Him and helping me to have more strength to steadily take steps forward. I am thankful to the sisters for my spiritual life is supported and is much better than before. I feel the peace which I haven’t found when I was outside. Living here is like a family that one feels the kindness and help, the simplicity in every meal and work, the joy in sharing everyday stories.  My experience of living here is the joy and simplicity in everything bearing the Franciscan spirit.                                                            

Aspirant Martha Trần Lam Kim

My Journey Towards God

by Lihrod Aviso

I am an Accounting Technology graduate of Far Eastern University. At present, I work as a Finance Analyst for a Global Company. All were just a distant dream until I become the scholar of the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters.

“You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.” – Psalm 16:11. This verse is beautiful, isn’t it? Did each word give you assurance of God’s love and eternal promise?

Thanks to the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters, I found God and felt His immense love. Decades before, God was nowhere to be found in my life and didn’t know His existence until I became a scholar of Holy Family Home Makati Foundation. My years of living in the foundation has surely equipped me with a lot of valuable skills, but more than the educational support the sisters were giving, I believe it was the spiritual formation that gave the most profound impact on my life.

Children might learn technical knowledge the books are teaching, but there’s no replacement to the kind heart the Bible is creating.With the help of God, I have learned how to sacrifice for others without asking for anything in return, learning to be selfless. His love keeps me moving forward in this life despite countless instances where I wanted to give up and cease. It is His mercy that makes me believe in the goodness of other people letting me appreciate the little things life has to offer. It is Him that provides peace and beautiful silence in my life. Everything I am is all thanks to Him who never stop to show and make me feel that I’m loved even at my lowest and most undesirable state. It is also thanks to the sisters that never gave up on me and believed in me.

The journey of finding Him isn’t easy since there are several distractions along the way. But through the guidance of the sisters I came to know God in a way that is deep and profound, changing my life for the better.

GOD’S PROVIDENCE in the Incredible Land of India!

by: Sr. Emily Soliva, tc


The TC missionary presence in India has been challenging from the very beginning of its foundation. With over billion residents, India boasts of diversity in culture, lifestyle, languages and religion. As it is a Hindu dominated country, with almost 80% of its population  practicing Hinduism and 2.3% Christianity while others are from different denominations, it was never easy for the missionaries to acquire Visa and enter Indian territories. The first TC sisters used to have Tourist Visa and upon its expiration have to leave which affects the stability of the community. Some sisters were blessed to obtain one to two years of stay through Student Visa which somehow sustained the newly established foundation.

Through the generosity of the Capuchin Fathers of Tamil Nadu, South India, the first community of sisters composed of Sr. Dora Maria Vargas (Colombian), Sr. Anselma Bawag (Filipina) and Sr. Lorena Sacal (Filipina) started implanting the charism in Indian soil on June 2008 in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu.


After nine years of being in Rameswaram, the only TC community in India moved to Dindigul where ANUGRAHA, the counselling institute of the Capuchin Fathers, is located.

On December 5, 2017 Sr. Emma Bawag and Sr. Emily Soliva travelled to Dindigul along with Fr. Jegan the parish priest. Later that day, Sr. Roselle Niaga reached Anugraha accompanied by Sr. Virginia Pagulon from Tiruchirapalli.

The first weeks of stay in Dindigul were spent meeting the community of the Capuchin fathers in Anugraha which is of the South Province, Tamil Nadu, getting to know the different apostolates they cater, and making themselves attuned to the new reality that they were to embrace.

With the Capuchin Fathers, the sisters are collaborating in their education ministry in the Arts and Sciences Institute that they have in Nochiodaipatty, Dindigul, accompanying the young ladies who come to Anugraha for their studies and are staying in the hostel managed by them, overseeing the needs in the counselling institute and in the pastoral ministry of the parish such as family visitation, participating in the various festivities, etc.

The first sisters of Montiel Anugraha Community – Sr. Anselma Bawag, Sr. Emily Soliva and Sr. Roselle Niaga.


Although the Student visa of the foreign sisters favoured their long stay in India, it is yet bringing another challenge as it calls for more creativity in balancing community life with studies, apostolate and the sisters’ personal process of growth as they continues to adjust to the unique culture and distinct reality of the mission.

 Another challenge faced by the foreign sisters is the local language which is an important tool in establishing rapport with the natives eventually gaining their trust and confidence in the long run. Tamil is the official language of Tamil Nadu, the state in India where the mission started, but it got different slangs according to the districts which is bewildering at times. Due to the limited number of sisters in the community with various tasks to attend to, sometimes this aspect of learning the local language is getting compromise. Yet the sisters recognize the necessity and significance of advancing in the practice and use of local language.

In order for the mission to continue flourishing, the need for native vocations is a very important aspect to work on to. This is yet another challenge of Montiel Anugraha community. Most of the young ladies in Southern India especially in the villages are given into marriage almost immediately after completing their secondary studies. Nowadays, majority of the family in Tamil Nadu is having only either a daughter alone or a daughter and a son which is a difficult reality to get vocations to the religious life. Some other factors which affect the formation of the young people in the initial stage are the stability of the sisters, the language, the diverse cultures within India and some health and family issues of the vocation prospects.


With the desire to find a solution for the community’s auto sustainability, being in Anugraha is truly providential

 Working in partnership with the Capuchin fathers helps the TC mission in India to be a self-sustained community.

 At present, the three sisters are employed in the different ministries that the Capuchin fathers are offering in Anugraha. Sr. Princy is collaborating in the counselling and healing ministry alongside the accompaniment of the workers in the Animation Center of the Capuchin Fathers. Sr. Soseth is full time accompanying the young ladies who come to pursue their undergrad and post-grad degrees in the college owned by the fathers. This is as well a good avenue for the community to promote vocation awareness to the young people, to guide them in their spiritual journey in order to grow holistically. The family ambiance, close accompaniment with them and giving them a friendly and familiar approach make them feel that they are in a home away from home, too. Sr. Emily is assisting and collaborating in the education ministry of the fathers in the Arts & Sciences College that they have. Being of service to people with different backgrounds and religions is such a beautiful and fulfilling mission!

The missionary journey in India may be full of unending challenges yet the sisters never felt that they are alone and lack in anything. God’s providential care is always felt through the constant support of the sisters in all the communities of the Vice province, the unceasing accompaniment of the VP team, the untiring support and encouragement of the Capuchin Fathers, the numerous well-wishers around ever ready to extend their generous help at any circumstances, and the hospitality and joy shown by the people they serve and work with and the various faces of poverty which remind them of the mission for which they have been chosen and called to.

Being in the mission may not be that easy but the experiences here in India are truly a meaningful journey of God’s abiding presence and faithfulness. The sisters cannot but thank Him endlessly for sustaining and making the TC mission still alive in this land after facing so many difficulties within the 13 years of its existence. Special gratitude as well to the sisters who have been part of this beautiful history especially to Sr. Elena Echavarren whose love for the Indian mission is very evident from the beginning until now and for all those who have contributed and are still contributing to making our charism known not only in Tamil Nadu but in all parts of India. In God’s perfect time, we trust!

Online Vocation Search-in

When there is a will, there is a way!

Our life in the “new normal” has brought us surprising changes. For most of us, it made us redirect our vision and reorient the order of priorities in our lives. It has opened new ways of reaching out and paved the way to use the online world as the new space of encounter that goes beyond distance and differences.

The Capuchin Tertiary Sisters – Vietnam Community conducted the first Online Vocation Search-in which was joined by many young girls from many parts of Vietnam. The activity was hosted by the sisters of the Vietnam community and the other Vietnamese sisters in the different communities in Asia.

If you will to discover your own vocation or desire to be guided in the vocation you are inclined to, there is a way. Join the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters every first Sunday of the Month at 2:30 p.m. (UTC+08) for a VOCATION SEARCH-IN via Google Meet. Visit our FB page, Capuchintertiarysisters of the Family, and click the link.

Come and join us and experience the Guidance, Prayer, and Reflection you are searching for.

Simple Life

by: 이충량 Elizabeth

    It was twenty years ago when I first met the Capuchin sisters.  I didn’t know about the life of a religious, but it shocked me to see the sisters whose poverty became their form of life.

     The first time I entered the convent, I saw the television, refrigerator, washing machine, and most of the furniture were all recycled things that were given for them to use.  Some were gathered from houses and streets when families leave behind their things as they move to their new house. More so, all the clothes they have were only two or three sets of habits for changing in all the seasons.

      The Capuchin sisters live the poorest life in the world.  They are not only materially poor.  They also gave up a life that they could live abundantly.

      In the darkest place of the world, the sisters dedicate themselves to take good care of the children abandoned by their families. 

       Seeing the sisters who chose a simple life for those in difficulty and witnessing their dedication and service to the poor, I realized that emptying oneself is filling another person. 

        Eventually, I support the sisters to share in their poor life.

The Directress with some of the children of the Daycare Center

New Novices

Maria and Kristene with their formator Sr. Juliet and the Amigonian Brothers

On May 11, the Congregation of the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters of the Holy Family celebrated the 136 Years of its foundation, a foundation which started in Valencia, Spain by the Venerable Father Luis Amigó, OFMCap. Together with this significant occasion, the postulants entered to the next stage of formation, the Novitiate.

The Eucharistic celebration of the entrance to the Novitiate of Maria Phan Thi Huong, 21, from Nghe An, Vietnam and Kristene C. Quijano, 21, from Ayungon, Negros Oriental, Philippines, was presided by Fr. Francisco Javier Cabezas, an Amigonian Priest. The sisters of both the Novitiate House and Holy Family- Cabug joyfully welcomed the two novices and joined them in the offering of themselves to the Lord.

Filled with the grace of the Lord, Maria and Kristene described their experience with the following expression;

“The grace of the Lord is always constantly in our life especially for this meaningful day for the two of us to which we say our YES. Yes to become His lover and follower through the FRANCISCAN-AMIGONIAN lifestyle and spirituality. Indeed, we are glad and grateful for all the experiences and the encounter with the Lord through our sisters to which we deeply felt joy and peace in our heart.

The way to follow the Lord is always mysterious and at times it is difficult to understand but in everything He has His own purpose and plans for ou rgood. As we continue our journey with Him, we would want to allow Him to work in us, with us, and through us. May this stage help us to grow closer to Him and strengthen our love for Him as well.”

Then, they quoted, “We give our Yes because we are gifted to give”.


As community pantries sprout across the Philippines, the San Damiano Postulancy House of the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters of the Holy Family in Quezon City, offers the space, distribution, and administration of the donations.

The pantry was initiated by an Anonymous Resident of Montville Subdivision. She sent a message on April 18 asking if it’s okay to put up a community pantry in our place thinking that it is the best venue for both the donors and recipients. Despite the hesitations, the community accepted the idea and assured her of our support. The following day, she brought some rice and veggies to share with our neighbors. We copied the caption phrase of the Maginhawa St. Community Pantry which says; “Magbigay ayon sa kakayahan, Kumuha batay sa kailangan”. (Give what you can, Take what you need). On the same day, she started inviting her friends and neighbors to support the cause. Later on, the initiative was known through the DAHHA community Viber Chat group. Behold, the ongoing charitable work spread in the other neighboring subdivisions.

From that day onward, people of generous heart continue to share goods in kind and in cash. The Parish Priest of St. Benedict and the Missionaries of God’s Love community sent their contributions as well.

This is just the beginning of our journey… of loving and sharing our giftedness to others especially those who are most in need at this moment. One has to take the first step and the rest will flow according to God’s plan.


by: Sr. Rowena Abulencia, tc

God’s way in manifesting His blessings to us is so mysterious. Sometimes we will be caught in AWE, other time SURPRISE and other time is PROVIDENCE because it will arrive when it is really needed. One time a sister, said “we don’t have canned goods anymore, I hope somebody will come to bring us some”. Behold, on that very afternoon, a friend arrived bringing canned goods, bread, and a sack of rice. These are the usual way that our friends and benefactors will surprise us and we will be amazed of what they will share to us, especially in our mission.

Our benefactors are God’s gift to us. They are persons with open, generous, and kind heart.  They served as our partners and collaborators in our mission by their generosity, with their time and resources. They helped us a lot in sustaining our apostolate as well as our presence by their loving support. By all means, they are God’s channel of graces. The bridge where we can feel the fulfilment of God’s promise… “Seek first the kingdom of God, and everything will be added unto you. (Mt. 6:33)”

As a sign of our gratitude we remember them in our daily prayers, sacrifices, and prayer intentions. This is how we tried to be present spiritually in there day to day journey.  Also, we lend a listening ear, a comprehending mind, and a compassionate heart. Despite of our busyness, we suspend our schedule in order to be with them in some special moments of their lives. Not in only in celebrations but also in moment of sadness and difficulties.

For all of you, our dear FRIENDS and BENEFACTORS, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

Thank You Lord for Your Love and Trust

by: Sr. Anselma Bawag, tc

When someone asks me about my vocation, something good is happening to me.  You know what? I am becoming young.  I feel young. It doesn’t mean that my age decreases nor the wrinkles in my face disappear.  It is because when I talk about vocation, I cannot help but go back to my younger memories, on the time that I couldn’t understand yet that the changes that was happening to me, was because God was gradually leading me to hear His call.  

I remember how I said no to every invitation to be involved in any church- related activities. And how God mysteriously worked to capture my heart. I tried to avoid Him, be away from Him but He won my heart!  Of course, the first reaction I had that time was to recognize my unworthiness!  How could it be possible that a person who did not practice her being Catholic for long time will be a “Sister”? With all the failures and mistakes, I have done. Indeed it was not I who choose Him, It is He who chose me to follow Him and bear fruits…“ (John 15:16) And what else?  My heart overflowed with gratitude because in spite of who I am, He Loves me, still called me, He trusted me, He strengthened me and gave me the grace I needed because He knew how weak I was. He knew that my decision to say Yes to Him was not enough, He knew that after that decision I needed all the more His support, His daily inspiration, and His guidance.

One of the best experiences I have in Religious Life was the chance He had given me to experience this life in India for 11 years. A place where there are only a population of less than three percent Catholics, a place where I almost couldn’t express myself in terms of language, a culture very different with mine, coupled with the difficulties regarding Visa and travels, but with the overflowing love and grace of God, experienced through the support and love of the people around that taught me a lot more regarding faith, trust in God, love to my neighbor and gratitude, and more.

More than 25 years since I made the decision to live this life but until now, I can always feel that it is just like yesterday.  It is because I can remember clearly how His grace worked in my life especially in that moment.  It is just like yesterday because I feel I am still beginning, I have done still very little to what I have promised to do when I said “Here am I Lord, I come to do your will” (Ps.40:2).

I don’t know how long will the journey be but it was and it is a wonderful one not because everything happened and passed easily. The experiences were and are so rich and the blessings of God is always abundant yet not with struggles and trials, but joy is always there because He did not let me journey alone. He gave me sisters to journey with and people who supposed to be the recipients of my service that turned to be the ones who are teaching me more and more to recognize the beauty of this vocation. And most of all, I am certain that the one whom I am following is leading me to reach the place that is prepared for me. I know until now I am not worthy so I always pray to God that He may not look on my failures but on my desire to do His will.