On May 11, the Congregation of the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters of the Holy Family celebrated the 136 Years of its foundation, a foundation which started in Valencia, Spain by the Venerable Father Luis Amigó, OFMCap. Together with this significant occasion, the postulants entered to the next stage of formation, the Novitiate.
The Eucharistic celebration of the entrance to the Novitiate of Maria Phan Thi Huong, 21, from Nghe An, Vietnam and Kristene C. Quijano, 21, from Ayungon, Negros Oriental, Philippines, was presided by Fr. Francisco Javier Cabezas, an Amigonian Priest. The sisters of both the Novitiate House and Holy Family- Cabug joyfully welcomed the two novices and joined them in the offering of themselves to the Lord.
Filled with the grace of the Lord, Maria and Kristene described their experience with the following expression;
“The grace of the Lord is always constantly in our life especially for this meaningful day for the two of us to which we say our YES. Yes to become His lover and follower through the FRANCISCAN-AMIGONIAN lifestyle and spirituality. Indeed, we are glad and grateful for all the experiences and the encounter with the Lord through our sisters to which we deeply felt joy and peace in our heart.
The way to follow the Lord is always mysterious and at times it is difficult to understand but in everything He has His own purpose and plans for ou rgood. As we continue our journey with Him, we would want to allow Him to work in us, with us, and through us. May this stage help us to grow closer to Him and strengthen our love for Him as well.”
Then, they quoted, “We give our Yes because we are gifted to give”.