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50th Anniversary of Religious Profession

As we celebrate our patronal feast, the Holy Family of Nazareth on December 30th, we also celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Religious Profession of Vows of Sr. Dora Hernandez, TC.
We thank God for His fidelity in Sr. Dora’s vocational journey. Praise the Lord also for Sr. Dora’s generosity in giving herself to the Congregation and most especially to the mission.
We love you Sr. Dora and we continuously thank God for the gift of your life and vocation.
We are with you always in our prayers…

Newly Professed Sisters

On the celebration of the 8th Centenary of the Stigmatization of St. Francis of Assisi, September 17, 2024,  the Congregation was blessed with six Sisters who made their First Profession of Religious vows at St. Clare’s Chapel, Mater Dolorosa Novitiate House, Talisay City, Negros Occidental, Philippines. They made their profession in the hands of Sr. Angela Maria Martinez, Vice provincial Superior.
The Eucharistic Celebration was presided over by Most Rev. Louie Galbines, D.D. Bishop of the Diocese of Kabankalan and con-celebrated by other priests. The occasion was witnessed by the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters, staff, girls, parents of the newly professed Sisters, and friends of the TC Sisters.
Congratulations to our newly professed Sisters!
Sr. Park Ju Hyun Angela from South Korea
Sr. Rose Ann Lumangyao from the Philippines
Sr. Menchie Capon from the Philippines
Sr. Anna Nguyen Thi Huong from Vietnam
Sr. Teresa Tran Thi Nam from Vietnam
Sr. Teresa Ngo Thi Hoa Mai from Vietnam
Thank God for the gift of vocation and may more men and women heed the call of the Lord to work in His vineyard.

New Novices

July 29, 2024

The postulants Teresa Trần Thị Mến and Martha Trần Thị Lam Kim had their entrance to the Novitiate in Mater Dolorosa Novitiate House, Talisay City. Negros Occidental.
The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Fr. Rolan Cepe, OAR, and Sr. Angela Maria Martinez Sierra, Vice provincial Superior presented the San Damiano Cross to the new novices. The sisters of the Novitiate Community and Cabug Community were also present in this joyous celebration.
Deo gratias!

General Canonical Visit Concludes

St. Clare General Vice province of Asia concludes the General Canonical Visit on the 10th of July 2024 in Mater Dolorosa Novitiate House, Talisay City, Philippines.

Before the final celebration, on the 8th and 9th of July, the Vice Provincial government, Local Superiors, Formators, and some sisters gathered in the Novitiate House for the presentation of the Final Report of the Canonical Visit. And on the 10th, the sisters responsible for the formation gathered for a day with Sr. Blanca Nidia Bedoya Salazar, General Superior and with the General Vicar Sr. Maria Luisa Garcia Casamian.

In the afternoon of July 10th, a mass was offered in thanksgiving for the blessings received during the canonical visit, and in the evening,  the members of the Lay Amigonian Movement came to join the sisters in the final celebration. Dances and songs were presented by the Amigonian Youth and Zagales as well as cultural dances from the Novices.

It was indeed an evening full of joy and gratitude.

Junior’s Encounter 2024

June 30, 2024
Eight of our Junior Sisters gathered together for the encounter with our General Superior Sr. Blanca Nidia Bedoya Salazar and General Vicar Sr. Maria Luisa Garcia Casamian, in Cebu City.
Two of the junior sisters joined online. The sisters enjoyed the company of each other and the moments of sharing. The main theme of the encounter was “Becoming a Disciple of Jesus”.

La Verna Experience

July 1-7, 2024 
The 1st batch of the TC sisters had their Annual Spiritual Exercises in our Novitiate House Talisay, Negros Occidental. There were 18 sisters who participated in the said retreat. The theme of this Annual Retreat is “La Verna Experience”,  with the guidance of our Franciscan brother, Fr. Eric de la Peña, OFM Conventual.

Silver Jubilee

“I will give thanks to You Lord with all my heart, I will tell of your wonderful deeds”. [PS. 9:1]

The Vice province of Asia celebrated the 25th Profession Anniversary of Sr. Anselma “Emma” Bawag, TC, at Mater Dolorosa Novitiate House, Talisay City, Negros Occidental
on May 18, 2024.

The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Fr. Dante L. Barcelona, OFM. The celebration was full of joy and thanksgiving for God’s unfailing fidelity and abiding love fully manifested in the life of Sr. Emma.


The Capuchin Sisters with the family of Sr. Emma were present in the celebration and the girls of Holy Family Home prepared a very heartwarming program and presentations.

Entrance to the Postulancy

On the day of the Presentation of the Lord and the World Day of Consecrated Life, our aspirant Mary Le Thi Hướng of Vietnam began her new journey in the initial formation.

The Holy Mass was presided over by Fr. Elias Ayuban, CMF, Provincial Superior of the Claretians at three o’clock in the afternoon.

It is a great joy to witness today the “YES” of Mary as she continues her journey in our congregation and to discover the depth of God’s call each day.

Entrance to the Apirancy

On the Feast of the Epiphany, in Nazareth community, Sri Lanka, the sisters welcomed Caroline Frances Jayasiri as she enters the Apirancy.

The decline of vocation to the Religious Life in most of the countries all over the world is a reality that the whole Church is facing and brought to the Congregations drastic changes. But, the Lord of the harvest continues to call young men and women to work in His vineyard. 

Thus, nowadays, it is very seldom that vocations come to knock on the door of the convents. But, Caroline Frances, attentive to the voice of the Good Shepherd, came searching for the Congregation of the Capuchin Sisters of the Holy Family. After the search, she finally found the contact of the Parish Priest who immediately informed the sisters.

God’s call  continues to linger in the hearts that knows how to listen!

25th Anniversary

Sr. Aprilita “Lilet” Labajo celebrated 25 years Anniversary of First Profession of Religious Vow.

The Eucharistic celebration was held in St. James the Greater Church in Hacienda Manaul, Talisay City, Negros Occidental, Philippines. It was presided over by Most. Rev. Louie P. Galbines,D.D. and concelebrated by Fr. Dante Barcelona,OFM and two other priests.

Together with this joyful celebration was the Perpetual Profession of Sr. Anna Nguyen Thi Nhung.