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4th Day of the V Vice Provincial Chapter

The Gospel of this March 13, speaks of Jesus saying, “Amen, I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own native place” (Lk 4:24). As part of the motivation for the day, the liturgist mentioned that this statement of Jesus may be considered by some as an excuse not to complicate their lives. But Jesus only warns us that things are not easy as it may seem, especially in the call for discipleship. One has to take a leap in overcoming obstacles. She or he has to do her best and allow God to do the rest.

In the first morning session, after the opening prayer, the checking of the Capitular´s attendance was made, followed by the reading of the agenda and the reading of the minutes.

There after, the Commission for the presentation of the Synthesis of the Study of the Report presented their work.

The group work for this day consisted in identifying the urgent needs of the Vice Province basing from the summary of the work on the Final Document of the XXIII General Chapter.

In the afternoon, there was another group work to finalize the commitments for the next triennium. Sr. Ma. Luisa Garcia, the General Vicar, congratulated the Capitulars for the work done and for what she had learned throughout all the sharing of the sisters. She also gave an insightful word again to inspire and challenge the sisters that the beautiful words written will really be turned into efforts and be lived.

After the session, everyone proceeded to the Chapel for a time of Adoration. It was a moment of earnest prayer for the new Vice Provincial Government. After the Adoration, the new Team formed by the Vice Provincial Superior and the three Councilors was announced, as well as the new formators.

Everybody welcomed warmly the sisters who will be serving and accompanying the Vice Province and all the assembly is open and grateful to receive the appointed government sisters and formators as gifts of God to lead our demarcation for the next three years. They are:

Vice Provincial Superior : Sr. Angela Maria Martinez Sierra
1st Councilor/Vicar : Sr. Lorena Bagalanon Sacal
2nd Councilor : Sr. Mapin Mahilum Pineda
3rd Councilor : Sr. Frances Laraine Faelnar Andrade

Mistress of Postulants : Sr. Emily Tambis Soliva
Mistress of Novices : Sr. Juliet Valdon Mantos
Mistress of Juniors : Sr. Frances Laraine Faelnar Andrade

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