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VP Assembly

The Capuchin Tertiary Sisters – St. Clare General Vice Province of Asia had Assembly on July 9-11, 2022 in Mater Dolorosa Novitiate House, Talisay, Negros Occidental. 

The Assembly has its theme  “Journeying together in Shared Mission with the Laity” and  objective; “To recognize and value the role and mission of the laity in the Church through a process of metanoia and openness to the signs of times in order to share to the laity the charism handed on by Fr. Luis Amigo y Ferrer”.

The active participation and collaboration of the sisters were made evident in the personal and group reflection, work, and sharing and which made the gathering fruitful. The  presence and joy of the sisters in the assembly and those who attended online truly strengthened the fraternal communion and missionary spirit of each one.

The Vice Province also gave a special tribute to Sr. Martha Patricia Ramirez Vergara as a thanksgiving for her selfless service to the VP.

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