“We may be called for something that seems unnatural for us, but when we listen and heed to God’s calling, it will connect us to inner desires. GOD WILL NOT CALL US FOR SOMETHING HE HASN’T WIRED US TO DO” – C.E.Ibanez
“Every vocation is born of that gaze of love with which the Lord came to meet us, perhaps even at a time when our boat was being battered by the storm. Vocation more than our choice, is a response to the Lord’s unmerited call. We will succeed in discovering and embracing our vocation once we open our hearts in gratitude and perceive the passage of God in our lives”.
Yes with this desire in their hearts we had the entrance of our three candidates JESCILLA. S, SUJITHA. M, and MAHIMA SORENG to their Aspirancy on Sunday, 24th of July. The ceremony of their entrance took place during our Morning Prayer where Sr. Emily Soliva, community-in-charge of Montiel Illam Anugraha received them joyfully into our family.
- Jescilla is from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu and she is 24 yrs old. She came to know us when she came to attend a course in Anugraha. She expressed her desire to work for the youth and moreover she liked our charism.
- Sujitha is from Namakal, Tamil Nadu and she is 20 years old. She is in contact with us for three years and she studied her Bachelor degree in Anugraha.
- Mahima Soreng is from Salangabahal, Odisha and she is 17 years old. We came to know her when we went for a vocation camp organized by the Diocese of Rourkela. It was really a surprise how we came in contact with her and how she was eager to come to be with us. Her family was also very open.
They have begun answering God’s call despite all the insecurities that they have yet they believe in the God who had called them. As we thank God and their family for their generosity, let’s continue to accompany them through our prayers and fraternal support.