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Vocation Guidance

Young People!

Take time to listen to what God wants you to be and to do.

Begin to explore who you ae, your purpose, and your CALLING.

Join our Bible Sharing. Discover the life that God has called you to realize through the Holy Scriptures.

Your happiness depends on your choice!

Newly Elected General Government

        With joy we share that in the recent session of the General Chapter held on September 21st at the General Curia in Rome, Sister Blanca Nidia Bedoya Salazar, Colombian, has been elected as the XV  General Superior of the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters of the Holy Family for the six-year term 2022-2028. She is part of the community of Colegio Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles, in Manizales, Colombia.

            Thank God for the gift of her life and her generous YES to accept this service which, in the words of our  Father Founder Luis Amigò, is the “head and guide of the entire Congregation and above all the mother of all the sisters in it.¨ (Cfr. OCLA 2319)

          And on the 22nd of September, the Congregation welcomed the newly elected Councilor sisters that will form the General Government for the coming six years.

The newly-elect Councilors are:

Sr. María Luisa García Casamián, 1st Councilor and Vicar (Spain)
Sr. María Anabelle Céspedes Morales, 2nd Councilor (Costa Rica)
Sr. Bilma Narcisa Freire Chamorro, 3rd Councilor (Ecuador)
Sr. Sonia de Fátima Marani Lunardelli, 4th Councilor (Brazil)

       We rejoice with are grateful for their generosity and taking the words of the Psalm, “May the goodness of the Lord come down to us, and make the works of our

newly elected sisters of the General Government

Echoes of the XXIII General Chapter

        On September 8th, the Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, initiated the celebration of an ecclesial and congregational event of great importance for our Congregation: the XXIII General Chapter.

We reap abundantly what we have sown with love, dedication, and responsibility. We thank God for giving us the strength to continue making our way, attentive to the voice of God and the reality that invites us to listen, participate, decide, and act. This voice must resound in every Capuchin Tertiary Sister and committed to Jesus and His Gospel, we truly want to live the motto of our Chapter: “We listen with humility to advance in synodality”. (from the letter to the whole congregation regarding the Chapter)

Entrance to the Aspirancy

Beginning a new life!
Sheena E. Pala from Sultan Kudarat, Philippines has begun her vocation journey as she formally initiated her formation, the entrance to the Aspirancy.
Aspirancy is the stage where the young woman is continued to be accompanied in order to discover the project of God in her life, by deepening the baptismal commitment in order to discern the invitation of Jesus to follow Him more closely. (TC Plan of Formation)
May the young people of today continue to heed God’s call to work in His vineyard. 
Sheena receiving her Tau
with the celebrating priest, sisters, and postulants

Opening of Luis Amigò Academy

The Capuchin Tertiary Sisters of the Holy Family, Vice-Province of Asia, celebrates God´s abundant blessings as it opens the Luis Amigò Academy, in Brgy. Cabug, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental. With the efforts and sacrifices of the community of Holy Family Home-Cabug, the support and guidance of the VP Council, the prayers of the sisters, and all those who selflessly took part in this project, what has been an “idea” now becomes a reality.

This project is a new venue not only for education but for evangelization, working with families, and for protecting children.


New Aspirants

“We may be called for something that seems unnatural for us, but when we listen and heed to God’s calling, it will connect us to inner desires. GOD WILL NOT CALL US FOR SOMETHING HE HASN’T WIRED US TO DO– C.E.Ibanez

 “Every vocation is born of that gaze of love with which the Lord came to meet us, perhaps even at a time when our boat was being battered by the storm. Vocation more than our choice, is a response to the Lord’s unmerited call. We will succeed in discovering and embracing our vocation once we open our hearts in gratitude and perceive the passage of God in our lives”.

Yes with this desire in their hearts we had the entrance of our three candidates JESCILLA. S, SUJITHA. M, and MAHIMA SORENG to their Aspirancy on Sunday, 24th of July. The ceremony of their entrance took place during our Morning Prayer where Sr. Emily Soliva, community-in-charge of Montiel Illam Anugraha received them joyfully into our family.

  • Jescilla is from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu and she is 24 yrs old. She came to know us when she came to attend a course in Anugraha. She expressed her desire to work for the youth and moreover she liked our charism.
  • Sujitha is from Namakal, Tamil Nadu and she is 20 years old. She is in contact with us for three years and she studied her Bachelor degree in Anugraha.
  • Mahima Soreng is from Salangabahal, Odisha and she is 17 years old. We came to know her when we went for a vocation camp organized by the Diocese of Rourkela. It was really a surprise how we came in contact with her and how she was eager to come to be with us. Her family was also very open.

They have begun answering God’s call despite all the insecurities that they have yet they believe in the God who had called them. As we thank God and their family for their generosity, let’s continue to accompany them through our prayers and fraternal support.

The Apirants with Srs. Emily and Asha
The Aspirants with Sr. Princy
Giving of the Tau

VP Assembly

The Capuchin Tertiary Sisters – St. Clare General Vice Province of Asia had Assembly on July 9-11, 2022 in Mater Dolorosa Novitiate House, Talisay, Negros Occidental. 

The Assembly has its theme  “Journeying together in Shared Mission with the Laity” and  objective; “To recognize and value the role and mission of the laity in the Church through a process of metanoia and openness to the signs of times in order to share to the laity the charism handed on by Fr. Luis Amigo y Ferrer”.

The active participation and collaboration of the sisters were made evident in the personal and group reflection, work, and sharing and which made the gathering fruitful. The  presence and joy of the sisters in the assembly and those who attended online truly strengthened the fraternal communion and missionary spirit of each one.

The Vice Province also gave a special tribute to Sr. Martha Patricia Ramirez Vergara as a thanksgiving for her selfless service to the VP.

Vocation Discernment Retreat

The Capuchin Tertiary Sisters of the Holy Family (TC) invites, all Aspiring Candidates, Vocation Contacts and young women,18-35 years old who desire to follow the Lord Jesus more closely through our Congregation, to a VOCATION DISCERNMENT RETREAT on July 18-28, 2022 at Fray Luis Amigo Aspirancy House, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental.
Experience our Prayer, Apostolate, Community Life, Recreation and Sports. It’s a date with the Lord and more…
“What do you seek? And they said to Him ‘Rabbi’ (Teacher) where are you staying?” He said to them, “Come and See.”
Message us for more details!
Time to meet up with Jesus and the Sisters!🙂

VP Annual Retreat

On July 1-7, 2022, the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters of the Holy Family had their Annual Retreat after two years without gathering physically. It was a joy to be reunited in the theme: “Journeying Together in the path to holiness.”

There were 22 Sister-retreatants who joined this first batch of Retreat for the year 2022. The retreat animator was Fr. Elias L. Ayuban, Jr. CMF, the Provincial superior of the Claretian province in the Philippines, Vietnam, Myannar, and Australia.   

The Sisters were very happy to have been reminded of their sincerity to their call to respond for the synodal church. It is a call to look back again in the will of the Lord through the beatitudes and finding one’s own blessedness as well. It was also very meaningful for them to look back at their journey as TC Sisters, making a personal Letter for their Mother Congregation to the extent of making their last will and testament.

The group-sharings were also enriching and very touching. Fraternity were strengthened and commitment were renewed as they also make a Decalogue as their wishes for the Vice Province.
Of all the many things learned, praying and celebrating the Liturgy together top it all and the sharing in fraternity that had even win a new brother in the person of Fr. Elias.

Indeed it was a fruitful retreat and hopefully will last until the life after.


Today, 27th of October, at 11:30 a.m., was the blessing of the CAPUCHINAS WATER STATION, presided by Fr. Elvin Miraflor. The water station, managed by the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters of the Holy Family- Cebu Community, is not only for an economic purpose but more so for the solidary economy with the poor as expressed in the vision and mission.

Capuchinas Water Station envisions an auto-sustainability project that reflects a fraternal and solidary economy with the poor.

We produce affordable, healthy, safe, and quality drinking water and offer possibilities of auto-sustainability for underprivileged families.

CAPUCHINAS WATER STATION is now open to serve you!

The station is located at #235 Pelaez St., Brgy. San Antonio, Cebu City.