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VP Annual Retreat

On July 1-7, 2022, the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters of the Holy Family had their Annual Retreat after two years without gathering physically. It was a joy to be reunited in the theme: “Journeying Together in the path to holiness.”

There were 22 Sister-retreatants who joined this first batch of Retreat for the year 2022. The retreat animator was Fr. Elias L. Ayuban, Jr. CMF, the Provincial superior of the Claretian province in the Philippines, Vietnam, Myannar, and Australia.   

The Sisters were very happy to have been reminded of their sincerity to their call to respond for the synodal church. It is a call to look back again in the will of the Lord through the beatitudes and finding one’s own blessedness as well. It was also very meaningful for them to look back at their journey as TC Sisters, making a personal Letter for their Mother Congregation to the extent of making their last will and testament.

The group-sharings were also enriching and very touching. Fraternity were strengthened and commitment were renewed as they also make a Decalogue as their wishes for the Vice Province.
Of all the many things learned, praying and celebrating the Liturgy together top it all and the sharing in fraternity that had even win a new brother in the person of Fr. Elias.

Indeed it was a fruitful retreat and hopefully will last until the life after.

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