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A Grace to be Part of the Lay Amigonian Movement

by: Gina H. Lavides

Being part of the family of the Lay Amigonian is indeed a GRACE. I have valuable experiences of growth as a person and most importantly as a friend, a mother, and a wife. Prior to being a member of the Lay Amigonian, I was unaware of a lot of things. I knew the Bible but I didn’t know and care that much about it. Only then when I became a member of the group that I started to open the Bible, read the verses, reflect on them, and even relate them to my daily life. Sometimes, it made me wonder how God had blessed me and continuously pouring His graces from the beginning of my life until now. I also learned to put attention and have more understanding about the Eucharist and its meaning. The group helped me see that my faith is not boring but a stepping stone for joy and communion.

Thanks to the Lay Amigonian Adult that gave me a chance to enjoy those recollections that help me encounter and confront myself and allowed me also to seek and give forgiveness. It gave me a lot of opportunities to visit places that help me grow more in my faith and in my conviction as a believer and a Catholic. Being part of the group helps me grow in my relationship with God and allows me to see and be part of God’s mission through the sisters.

I am forever grateful for the opportunity that was given to me and thanks to Father Luis Amigo for his initiative and for helping us to continue his mission here on earth.

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