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Father Luis Amigó y Ferrer, was without a doubt a man inhabited by the Spirit. Among the many features that demonstrate this, we highlight some:

Luis Amigó was an obedient but energetic Capuchin; a simple religious, living in minority and fraternity; a loving father, as the founder of his two congregations; a vigilant pastor, and dedicated as bishop in the dioceses where he was assigned, until the end of his days.

The Introduction to his Autobiography, written by Archbishop Javier Lauzurica, who was his great friend, includes a beautiful portrait of our Founder: “The depth of his being, peace; his clothing, humility. It was his life to run meekly from a river, without steep slopes or overflows that overflow the channel. As he passed, the flowers of all virtue bloomed: charity, poverty, humility, obedience, austerity, sacrifice … The goodness of his beautiful soul radiated in the smile that illuminated his face; smile that not even death could erase. He possessed, like few others, the rare gift of an unalterably serene life, without relief, without glare, silent on the pure surface of a deep spiritual channel … “