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             “The Kingdom of God is like leaven that a woman takes and hides in three measures of flour,  until all ferments” (Lc 13,20-21)


In our XXI General Chapter, celebrated in 2010, considering the moment that the Congregation lived and to strengthen the charismatic identity, fraternal life, and evangelizing action, it was necessary to initiate a process of restructuring in it, which would lead us to give prophetic answers to the new situations and urgencies of the world.

This process of congregational restructuring began then, guided by the General Government, counting on all the sisters. The study, the reflections, the suggestions, and the constant discernment were carried out at all times with a permanent communication back and forth, and  networking  tasks to favor the participation of all.

At the time of the celebration of the XXII General Chapter in September 2016, our presences in Asia, Africa, and Europe had concluded the process of geographical restructuring; those of America would do so after the Chapter. However, an external change of structures was not enough, but it was necessary to keep walking, putting “flesh and spirit” on it.

This is how we began in 2017, within the restructuring process, the stage we call “Growth and Transformation”, in which where the Congregation is at present, anticipating its completion with the celebration of the next General Chapter, scheduled for the year 2022.