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Going Strong

By:  Ms. Rose Javier

As a consecrated Lay Amigonian, I really tried my best to live my commitment. Pandemic strikes, but this does not discourage me and I believe the same with all the members of the MLA. We still gather together, not in a meeting, but in action. We made ourselves available by becoming channels for our brothers and sisters here in Purok Tumpok when the sisters gathered goods and help for them. We go house to house to distribute the goods. Until now, our group is always invited to pray at the wake of those who have died in our neighborhood. We are grateful that they are already trusting our group. During this pandemic, we also do feeding program for the children with the initiative of the sisters. Indeed, there is a feeling of true  joy in reaching out to others.

Personally, I continue praying the Septenary at home with my family and this is one of the positive impact of the pandemic. We gather together as a family. We also attend online Masses and read the Bible.

I was also grateful that we have resumed our weekly meeting with the sisters who are accompanying us. I am happy to have the opportunity to be enriched once again by the Word of God through the sharing of each one and being formed through the faith formation that we are receiving this month.

I am grateful to God that we, as a group, are still going strong with our desires and commitment. We are always excited to meet and be enriched with one another and with our desire to grow in our faith and in the way we are called to live our lives as Lay Amigonian with our families  and neighborhood.For all these, I am grateful to my companions, the sisters, and to God.

Praying of the Holy Rosary
Organizing the goods for distribution

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