Vocation Guidance

Young People!

Take time to listen to what God wants you to be and to do.

Begin to explore who you ae, your purpose, and your CALLING.

Join our Bible Sharing. Discover the life that God has called you to realize through the Holy Scriptures.

Your happiness depends on your choice!

Newly Elected General Government

        With joy we share that in the recent session of the General Chapter held on September 21st at the General Curia in Rome, Sister Blanca Nidia Bedoya Salazar, Colombian, has been elected as the XV  General Superior of the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters of the Holy Family for the six-year term 2022-2028. She is part of the community of Colegio Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles, in Manizales, Colombia.

            Thank God for the gift of her life and her generous YES to accept this service which, in the words of our  Father Founder Luis Amigò, is the “head and guide of the entire Congregation and above all the mother of all the sisters in it.¨ (Cfr. OCLA 2319)

          And on the 22nd of September, the Congregation welcomed the newly elected Councilor sisters that will form the General Government for the coming six years.

The newly-elect Councilors are:

Sr. María Luisa García Casamián, 1st Councilor and Vicar (Spain)
Sr. María Anabelle Céspedes Morales, 2nd Councilor (Costa Rica)
Sr. Bilma Narcisa Freire Chamorro, 3rd Councilor (Ecuador)
Sr. Sonia de Fátima Marani Lunardelli, 4th Councilor (Brazil)

       We rejoice with are grateful for their generosity and taking the words of the Psalm, “May the goodness of the Lord come down to us, and make the works of our

newly elected sisters of the General Government

Noticia 3

“La actitud que debe caracterizar al hombre ante la creación es esencialmente la de la gratitud y el reconocimiento. El mundo se presenta a la mirada del hombre como huella de Dios, lugar donde se revela su potencia creadora, providente y redentora”