by: Sr. Rowena Abulencia, tc
God’s way in manifesting His blessings to us is so mysterious. Sometimes we will be caught in AWE, other time SURPRISE and other time is PROVIDENCE because it will arrive when it is really needed. One time a sister, said “we don’t have canned goods anymore, I hope somebody will come to bring us some”. Behold, on that very afternoon, a friend arrived bringing canned goods, bread, and a sack of rice. These are the usual way that our friends and benefactors will surprise us and we will be amazed of what they will share to us, especially in our mission.
Our benefactors are God’s gift to us. They are persons with open, generous, and kind heart. They served as our partners and collaborators in our mission by their generosity, with their time and resources. They helped us a lot in sustaining our apostolate as well as our presence by their loving support. By all means, they are God’s channel of graces. The bridge where we can feel the fulfilment of God’s promise… “Seek first the kingdom of God, and everything will be added unto you. (Mt. 6:33)”
As a sign of our gratitude we remember them in our daily prayers, sacrifices, and prayer intentions. This is how we tried to be present spiritually in there day to day journey. Also, we lend a listening ear, a comprehending mind, and a compassionate heart. Despite of our busyness, we suspend our schedule in order to be with them in some special moments of their lives. Not in only in celebrations but also in moment of sadness and difficulties.
For all of you, our dear FRIENDS and BENEFACTORS, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!