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It is an association of the faithful who want to live the charism of Father Luis Amigó from their state of life as lay; It is a work proper to the Congregation that makes the laity share in its spirituality and mission and proposes a path of holiness to them (cf. CIVCSVA, MLA Approval Decree; Const. 63; Dir. 52).

The institution of this Movement, which received the approval of the Church in 2002, gives continuity to the apostolic zeal with which Father Luis Amigó worked with the Secular Franciscan Third Order, recognizing its contribution to transform society from the evangelical values witnessed with life (cf. OCLA 1016 and 1024). The sisters accompany the path of the Lay Amigonians attending to their Christian and charismatic formation and sustaining their commitment to transmit the values received through Father Luis in families, in the world of work and in civil society where we cannot always arrive and be present. It is structured in three sections: Laity Adults, Amigonian Youth  and Zagales (cf. Dir. MLA 15).

The Amigonian Youth is an association of young people who want to grow integrally as people in light of the Amigonian faith and charism, proposing an itinerary of personal growth and following Christ from the essential elements of the Amigonian charism, accompanied by educators who seek to be for them witnesses of the Gospel and credible transmitters of its values.

The Zagales are children and adolescents who want to live the experience of friendship and the experience of faith according to the Amigonian charism. Its name refers to the Amigonian nuance of the Good Shepherd of whom they feel they are “little shepherds”. Accompanied by their educators, they meet to reflect and dialogue about life, meet God in listening to his Word and carry out simple commitments of solidarity with those who need it most.