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Real Happiness

by: Sr. Juliet V. Mantos,tc

“Real happiness doesn’t come from getting everything you want. It comes from sharing what you have with people who matter.”

 Sharing with others becomes more meaningful when we share from our poverty that leads us to experience deep joy in our hearts. For more than a year now, we have been experiencing in this time of pandemic the powerlessness – feeling poor and limited but we also see how the  people respond to this. Some people with genuine and generous hearts share their blessings with others.

This is also what we experience in our community. The great manifestation of God’s providence comes in various ways. One of these is through generous individuals, families, communities/institutions, NGO’S who share their blessings through donations for the center (Holy Family Home), and from these blessings, we also share to others especially to the families of the girls, staff, scholars, certain individuals or families in the neighborhood and most importantly to our sisters in the Novitiate community. Sharing to them the blessings we received is one way of helping the Vice-Province since the dormitory doesn’t have income this time of the pandemic, so the formation houses were also affected. We really felt the sense of fraternity that in the midst of scarcity we are there for our sisters. It is beyond material things, the spirit of love and compassion is the real motive of our charity.

Moreover, it is to constantly pray that the Lord will continue to shower His blessings to these generous people and their respective families as our way of recognizing their kindness to us.

Anne Frank once said, “No one gets poor in helping others”. 

It is not only helping with material things but also giving your valuable time, presence, support, encouragement, prayers, we can be “good Samaritans” to others.

Because certainly, the ripple effect of kindness is still present among us and the Lord will bless us all the more with His abundant blessings.

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