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The desire to re-establish the Capuchin Tertiary presence in China after the height of communist expulsion of religious people in 1949 coming to reality has a historical and affective root.

In 1929, our Father Founder, with a heartfelt emotional gesture, sent the first group of Capuchin Tertiary Sisters to the Capuchin Mission in Pinglyang, the poorest mission station of China, in East Kansu.  After twenty years of a life full of sacrifices for the Kingdom of God and service to the poor and suffering people, the Sisters were forced to leave the country due to political upheaval.  It was a painful break but the heart has remained there.  And the desire to come back to China has been conveyed to the new TC generations.

In 1982, when the congregation extended out to Asia anew with the presence in the Philippines, China was in perspective. By establishing a community in Korea, as was expressed to the Bishop of Inchon who received the Sisters, the idea of reaching China seemed closer.

The providential entrance to the congregation of the first Chinese vocations in the Philippines, Teresa Lan and later of Clara Chen, in addition, to the visit to China (Pinglyang and Xi án) by Sr. Ma. Elena Echavarren, Delegate Superior and Sr. Dora Ma. Vargas accompanied by Fr. Mateo Goldaraz, OFM Capuchin in 2006 were events which had continuously nurtured the desire for a come back to China so that in the vice provincial chapter of 2011, this was applauded by all the sisters present. However, the decisive step that paved the way to the soon reopening of the TC presence in this land took place during the second visit of Sr. Angela Maria Martinez and Sr. Clara Chen to China in June of 2014.  

Finally, during the Vice provincial Chapter presided over by Sr. Ana Tulia López, General Superior while counting on the first two Chinese Sisters already perpetually professed, the decision to re-establish the presence in China was made up in May 2017.

On February 24, 2018 the TC community in China became complete with the arrival Sr. Maria Elena Echavarren, In charge of the community, Sr. Teresa Lan and Sr. Clara Chen in Xi’an.  Living the spirit of the Holy Family of Nazareth, the Sisters have tried to build a family of Sisters, participating in the activities of the different parishes with a minor attitude and working in a center for special children in order to earn their daily bread.