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The foundation of Korea was done as an expression of the universal missionary spirit of the Congregation according to the directives of the previous General chapters and particularly with the aim of enhancing the presence of the congregation in Asia and Korea, being the country that was more conducive to this objective at that particular moment.  It was a founded on March 25, 1996 as a part of the missionary project of the congregation with four sisters who were already in Korea.

The first task of the community was to devote itself for a two-three year study of the Korean language and culture.  It was a foundation done in the midst of financial poverty but enriched with the strong experience of God’s help.


After a serious discernment and study of the reality, the first possibility of apostolic presence was seen through the establishment of a nursery for children whose parents are working.  The work began in 1999 in a prefabricated house in the city of Bucheon, Diocese of Incheon.  

At present the nursery “CAPUCHIN DAY CARE CENTER” continues to operate in concrete building.  It was inaugurated in 2007.  The nursery operates with ten teachers and staff and accommodates 94 children ages three to seven, with a Government grant program to support families whose parents work twelve hours a day.  

The work of evangelization is a task performed directly with the children in the day care center and through them to their families.


In the year 2004, after a time of discernment coupled with the experience gained in the nursery and attentive to the signs of the times, the Sisters saw the need and an opportunity to open a second community with the tone so characteristic to our mission:  A home for children with familial problems, AMIGO HOME.  The work is done in two adjacent small houses belonging to the Diocese of Jeonju whose bishop has been instrumental of God’s providence.  

Until the year 2008, the Sisters worked privately with the help of benefactors.  A the end of the year and early of 2009, the work was legalized and began to function with the Government who subsidizes the work, allocating a certain amount for each girl, for the salary of the Director and for a social worker. The capacity of the home is limited to seven girls only.  

Although Amigo Home is a small work, the community has received a lot of support and acceptance from the Government and the people in general.